
The balancing mouse (2024)

“Strong legs, straight back,
back and forth, back and forth.

I'll get out of this city,
from this mediocrity,
there will be a show of mine,
no faded colors,
no scratches or cracks,
there will be an endless crowd,
a long rope and…

Strong legs, straight back,
back and forth, back and forth”

(the) curious nothing mag/zine issue #2 - NOTHING IS CERTAIN

Cestino - Bin (2024)

A boy likes to collect frames from magazines and pack them into his old vintage coat.
One day, he realised that the coat pockets were almost full of all these frames, so he had to put all this "trash" into the bin.
However, because he was so proud of his collection, he created a collage to give them a purpose before dying too soon. Then, he took a picture of the work: a memory that will last forever.
This is the picture that he took.


This experimental short film comes to life starting from sound. Only then is the image added.
It follows the concept: ”first you hear, then you see”, based on the studies of pediatrician Robert Parker, who underlined that children, thanks to their spontaneity, perceive sounds first and then images.
In addition to the latter, the same rule also applies in video editing, as to perceive image and audio at the same time, the audio must be positioned slightly before the image.
On a technical level, we can divide the film into two sections: audio and video.
The first was created by musician Fabio Falcone, who created a soundtrack containing original effects.
The second section, however, was created with artificial intelligence and with the help of video editing software.
The procedure was as follows: listening to the audio track, idea/image, drawing on paper; Listening to the audio track, idea/image, drawing on paper; And so on.
Once this part was completed, the paper images were fed to the artificial intelligence. The latter exported pieces of video, which were assembled during the editing phase.
The final result is an abstract story, open to personal interpretations: exactly how each subject (musician, director, AI) instinctively interpreted the materials available during their work phase.
Finally, the work, regardless of various inspirations and technicalities, also contains a more personal meaning: my desire to rediscover spontaneity and naturalness that, with time, I feel I am losing. My creativity requires less sequentiality and more instinctiveness, a characteristic that I feel I have savored, even if partially, during this project.


Earth Invader (2024)

This picture is about a dream that I had.
I remember that I was walking in a popular street in Turin. I passed behind one of my favorite buildings and I looked up.
A beam of light blinded me for a second, and then, when I opened my eyes again, I saw the space invaders' characters fighting each other: probably for the life and death of the earth.
I laughed.

Looking up - Photocrowd 2024

1.000.000 (2019-2024)

This is a photography representation of the "Famine
in Dublin City.
These figures commemorate a catastrophe that
happened in Ireland between 1845 and 1849 when
Ireland lost more than one million citizens to starvation.
During a trip, I saw these fascinating statues and learned
the story behind them. I imagined that these people were the closest to the loss #1.000.000.
The heads rise when they reach the number, with a divine light that accompanies them, like an athlete who breaks a record.
In reality is the achievement of the most profound Irish disaster in history.

Abstraction (3D virtual exhibition) - Omnibus Gallery

Trinity College Dome (2019-2023)

I was walking around Trinity College in Dublin when the dome in the center of the square struck me. She was hit by a very elegant and brilliant beam of light.
I wish, I don't know why, that a dove had passed by at that moment, but unfortunately it wasn't like that.

The photo remained on my hard drive for several years, as it was not finished for me. One day I tried to post it on Instagram but something was missed, so I delated it.

At the same time, however, I was sorry not to be able to bring it to life, so, after some time, I decided to do something. Not having been able to immortalise a dove from life, I drew it, trying to make it, at least emotionally, alive and brilliant: as I imagined it that day.

Signs and Symbols 2024 (Exhibition and Publication) - Gallerium Art

Red Water (2023)

A boy attempts suicide but is saved by a girl.

Music video

Band: Moody Silence
Illustration: Rocco Punghellini
Video Director: Pietro Punghellini

Sleeping BrotherS (2023)

The illustration represents 2 brothers sleeping under the same blanket. Is not known why they are sleeping: it can be for resting a little in the afternoon, or it can be because they are dead even. This picture also reminds me of the desert, a place of peace and death.

Life and Death 2023 (Exhibition and Publication) - Gallerium Art

1 vs COM (2023)

A man is immersed in MS Paint Online meanwhile taking some fresh air.

Surprising Abstracts 2023 - Photocrowd

Stuck on the Puzzle (2021)

A guy has fallen in love with a girl that has completely messed up his head.

Music video

Band: Moody Silence
Cast: Giulio Robuschi, Emma Ferrari, Fabio Falcone, Davide Arganini, Pietro Punghellini
Crew: Pietro Punghellini, Fabio Falcone
Directed by Pietro Punghellini

The Horizontal Tree (2021)

I have always been worried about environmental issues so I tried to represent something that I learned some years ago: nature doesn’t care about the events of the world. It was here before us and it will be after our time.
But we should care about the world.
We should care about the world because we are just subjects.

DeSidera Contemporary Art Festival 2021

Red - Il pinguino rosso (2020)

A strong earthquake has made Pinky, Red’s lover, disappear. It’s time to find and save her.

Short film

Cast: Paolo Mistrali, Rocco Punghellini, Pietro Punghellini
Directed by Pietro Punghellini

Colorno Psychiatric Hospital (2020)

While visiting the Colorno psychiatric hospital, I stopped to immortalize some pieces that interested and fascinated me.

I tried to tell about a place that was once lived by nurses, doctors and patients with dark and difficult life.

A place that is still imbued with these people, even if in a memory.

Viewed and appreciated by photographer and writer Ray Banhoff 

The Coffin of the Readers (2020)

Because of the fact that I don’t want to ruin the story behind the name of the picture, I won’t describe the picture at all.
I can just say that this place is famous, beautiful, antique and it’s in Ireland.     

Dublin Factory (2020)

This is an unknown factory that I photographed during my Irish experience in 2020.
What I like about that moment is that the factory and the smoke were both tiny, simple, and sweet.
That was a worm day.

Come to Me (2020)

I was walking throught one of Dublin’s most impostant cemetries when I saw this cross.
It was on a grave half absorbed by nature.
It seemed to me that the cross was under a spell and could not escape from that terrible situation.

Glasnevin Cemetery Museum Dublin (2020)

I remember that day. That day my mood could be summerized in this sentence: “I like the Day of the Dead: I go to the cemetery and I feel like someone”.

Animal (2019)

The man of justice is peeling an apple when something creepy happens.

Short film

Cast: Fabio Falcone, Andrea Lucato, Pietro Punghellini
Directed by Pietro Punghellini

The Trip (2019)

A little Vespa is traveling around the world to the rhythm of the music.

Short film

Directed by Pietro Punghellini

La violenza è come una danza (2019)

A compilation of violence in cinema.

Tribute video

Video Editor: Pietro Punghellini

Lux Aeterna (2018)

An unofficial music video of the melody Lux Aeterna by Clint Mansell. This is the OST of the popular movie Requiem for a Dream (2000) directed by Darren Aronofsky.

Music video

Video Editor: Pietro Punghellini