I am Pietro Punghellini, an Italian Minimalist Filmmaker and Visual Artist.
I have a Degree in Economics and Marketing from Parma University which has allowed me not only to have a good economic base and strong knowledge of marketing rules, but also it has been useful to understand where I want to work: in the audiovisual sector.
So, after living for several months in Ireland for learning English, I moved to Turin for a Master in Storytelling at the Holden School. Along the way we focused on writing, fundamental (if not the most important part) in the realization of a creative process or a story. An aspect that I needed to improve and that I now master with confidence.
Next I felt the need to learn more about the organization and finance of the audiovisual world, so I attended the Film & TV Producing course at the New York Film Academy. This experience has not only made me understand the basics of video production but has also magnified my knowledge in the realization of any project.
Then I moved to Milan and attended the Videomaking: Documentary course at Cfp Bauer. This has strengthened my editing, video and audio skills but, the most important part of this parenthesis, is how they have changed my approach to cinema and art, leading me to see them with deeper eyes.
Throughout my 7 years of career, I worked for Ducati, Falke, Fagioli s.p.a. and Teatro Regio (Parma).
I experimented with software and cameras, alone or in a team, covering different roles.
Finally, I have published some of my works in different artistic contexts:
Streaming platforms, like Runway Watch, Youtube and Vimeo.
Festival, like the DeSidera Contemporary Art.
Contest, like Photocrowd.
Online galleries, such as Gallerium and Omnibus.
Magazine, such as (the) curious nothing mag/zine issue #2 - NOTHING IS CERTAIN.
If you want to know more about my projects have a look at the COMMERCIAL section, where you can find the works that I did for others.
If you are looking for the most personal ones you have to check the AUTHORIAL section. This is the section of experimentation and creativity.
To contact me this is my email: pietropunghellini@gmail.com
Write for projects, collaborations or for any reason you can think of: I always answer :)